Emotes - The ability to use the right thumbstick (or Shift + arrow keys) to spawn emote in online matches
Host Migration - When the host leaves the game, the server will migrate to one of the existing players, keeping the match going
AFK Bots - When a player leaves mid-game, an AI bot will take his place automatically
New Characters
New Mutator - Fly or Die - Only regenerate health while in mid-air
Character Mod Suggestions at the end of local games with the ability to subscribe with a single button press
User Interface
Added support for touch-screen controls on windows machines (Like Microsoft Surface)
Replaced the old menu background video with a new one featuring the new game modes
The green countdown numbers in lobbies now vibrate when they are about to hit 0
In the editor, game modes are now rendered on two columns. There were so many they got off-screen.
New game modes will now display a "NEW" tag in mode voting screen
Added a "Reload" button in the Character Preview mode in the Editor
Fixed a bug related to chat getting stuck after going into a lobby
Game modes are now considered "NEW" if you have less than 40 rounds in them
Score screen winner particles! Now more fabulous than ever!
In Twitch Mode, the game will take into account all messages from all players on the server, not only the host's
Inactive hosts will be kicked from their own server after 120 seconds of inactivity in the lobby.
Slightly increased the time for most game modes by an average of 5 seconds
In "Spike Ball" the ball is not lethal before it starts moving (it's also desaturated to indicate that)
In "Bomg Tag", the time it takes for the bomb to explode was increased from 6.35 to 8 seconds
In "Sugar Rush" the last candy moves towards the mid-point between the remaining two players at a much slower speed
Hosts can no longer pull you out of the end-of-match screen
Fixed a soft lock during mutator selection in case the player selecting leaves the game
Soundtrack Packs - Ability to pick different soundtracks from the audio settings screen (supports modded soundtrack packs as well)
Fixed crash related to soudntrack switching after an online match
Changed the SFX of the bomb exploding in Bomb Tag
Removed "The Wine Kone" announcer because of poor audio quality :(
Added in "Heavy Bullets" announcer lines for most announcers
Added new Daily Missions in the daily rotation.
Basic spam filter for online chat
Fixed that one crash in that one place
Fixed a bug where emotes were not cleaned up properly and they would carry over to the next game mode
Improved LAN game testing
New achievements!
Disable movement while Shift is held down to use emotes
Things that nobody will ever notice
Improved Ambient Occlusion quality and performance
Official support for 8Bitdo Zero controllers
Game no longer stutters when cycling through announcers, they are pre-loaded when the screen opens now.
Added a debug keys toggle in startup.ini for development purposes
The crown placement got broken in the winner screen but we fixed it. I'm not sure why I included this change in here.
Fixed time scale issues in the editor, makes testing easier.
The mutator on/off status wasn't synced in online lobbies, now it is
Removed old unused sound effects
Fixed a rare bug where a "Draw" round would show up as the host winning on clients' screens
In ConventionMode, the hidden characters and difficult mutators are disabled, and the first mutator vote comes after the 3rd round instead of before the first
The "You forgot to move" text in score screen no longer shows up if you died because of the "Move And Die" mutator
Game Modes take less time to randomize into place in the mode voting screen