Big Addition
- New game modes: Fizzle Floor, Rocket Run, Vertigo, Chainsaw Backstab, Cleanup Crew
- Added 20 new characters
- Added XP system linked to your Steam account where you can level up
- Added unlockable characters and game modes as Steam Items when you level up
- Public mode voting before each match instead of host picking the modes himself
- Ability to turn into a ghost after you die, slowing down the alive players you run into
- Implemented podium scoring system (all players gain points every round based on rank)
- Added the "Collection" screen which keeps track of your bad hoarding habits
- Added random “Daily Missions” that you can complete in online games for bonus XP
- Added a learning phase when you first play the game
- Added user friendly interface for friend invites to your game (without going through the steam overlay)
- Language selection screen when you first open the game + new languages
Game Modes
Blow Back
- Player slowly automatically inflate in Blow Back over time
- Screenshake in Blow Back in online games
Bomb Tag
- In online games, your screen flashes while you have the bomb
- The health bar of the bomb wearer flashes in sync with the bomb
- Host dictates who was killed when the bomb goes off to avoid conflictions
Speed Run
- Slight changes to the level
Ghost Scare
- In online Ghost Scare, it's more obvious where your character is
- Improved networking
Hat Chase
- Changed the hat behavior, it no longer falls off the wearer, it floats to a new position
- Added countdown animation for the last 5 seconds
Sugar Rush
- The last candy will float towards the middle point between the last 2 players
- There are now teleporters in Sugar Rush
User Interface
- Larger (colored) important buttons in the main menu
- Added Leaderboards in the Daily Challenge screen
- Added a big 5 seconds countdown at the end of rounds without sudden death
- Added clear win / lose conditions in the mode introduction screen
- Addition of "Winner" text in the score screen above the players
- Added "Level Up" animation with item unlock screen
- Added a flashing "Poor connection" sign during a match if the game detects pings higher than 150ms
- Added a “Almost Winning” message in the score screen when a player is one round away from winning
- Fixed bug where the blurred background wouldn’t fade out after the instructions screen on low end computers
- Fixed a problem with lowercase letters in non latin languages not capitalizing properly
- Ability to change the game length while in lobby through a pop-up
- Player ranks is visible after death instead of health bar
- Extra clean score screen visible before the final winner screen
- Visual change of how the characters enter the score screen (in order of local rank)
- Game modes titles are colored based on their rarity now (all common white for now)
- "Press (A) to add AI BOT" message added in the local lobby
- Ability to navigate the UI with a controller in the Server Browser screen
- Added smooth fade to black transitions between screens
- Added a “Character Viewer” in the editor
- XP bar no longer shows up if Steam is not initialized
- Display English text if a string can’t be found in a different language
- Server browser will no longer display outdated servers hosted on older versions
- Points are now displayed instead of the health bar when a player dies in the form of "+5"
- Display daily missions in the Online screen and in the bottom of "Waiting for players" screen
- Fixed a bug in online lobbies by adding a “Waiting for Host” pop-up until the host returns
- Added screen that shows your completed missions at the end of an online match
- Added a special description for the first character and mode ever unlocked
- Added a button in the “Play Locally” screen that allows you to play the introduction phase again
- Moved the “Daily Challenge” to the main menu instead of “Play Online”
- Changed the way you toggle mods in the Mod Manager and apply them
- In the score screen, the points you gained show up once your character lands on its tower
- Highlighted button in lobbies now flash constantly (we still have to fix their hover animation)
- Improved the “Waiting to spawn” message when you join an on-going match
- Improved crash screen visually + merged the 2 “report bug” buttons into one
- Added a “Bugs Found” leaderboard in the crash screen
- Scanning for servers while there are none hosted will send global invites to anybody who is in the menu
- Improved the overall online experience
- Ability to accept game invites with a controller directly in-game (without going through steam’s overlay)
- Big improvement to the way clients send movement packets, improving the overall movement in online games
- Improved the method of adding extra characters in local lobbies, fixing several design problems in the process
- Temporarily removed the ability to have multiple local players in an online game
- Added an online movement smoothing system to iron out the jittery-ness of a poor connection
- Changed the number of rounds to "minutes" so the player can pick how long a game will last
- Added the red vignette in online games to make it clearer when you are about to die
- Added controller rumble when you are almost out of health
- Improved the way knockback works in online games so it no longer feels like there is any input delay
- Improved “Awareness” animation when the round starts to point out your character
- Distinctive sound effect when you kill a player online
- Ability to turn into a ghost in online games unlocked at level 6
- Added the new modes in the Daily Challenge rotation
- A new player joining a server will overwrite an AI Bot
- Idle players in both local and online games will be kicked out after 2 rounds
- Awesome “unboxing” animation when you unlock a new item… we seriously love this one :D
Those annoying bugs that took most of our development time
- Finally fixed the annoying “Missing MSVCP110.dll” bug that prevented the game from running on various systems
- Fixed crash related to the parsing of the language .csv file
- Fixed several bugs related to public mode voting, specifically player connecting and disconnecting during voting
- Fixed softlock where client left during score screen
- Reduced the chance to “Lost connection to host”... we still have no idea why it happens
- Fixed softlock where client left before the "new player joined" notification
- Fixed bug related to the shooting sound in online Jump Shot
- Fixed bug related to "time's up" in online games not being properly synced
- Fixed bug where the cat's eyeball disappear
- Fixed bug where jump sounds would play at the end of an online round
- Fixed bug related to the blurred background during score
- Fixed bug that wouldn't allow you to skip the level up screen with a controller
- Fixed bug where the Pirate's inflated body would have a different skin color
- Fixed bug where the "Move or Die" text at the beginning of the round would glitch out
- Fixed bug where reconnecting to a server would cause in your game to softlock
- Fixed bug related to AI navigation meshes in editor
- Fixed bug where daily missions would repeat from one day to another
- Fixed bug where the tower winner glow wasn’t aligned properly on the X axis
- Fixed de-sync problem with winner screen where client would be softlocked in it
- Fixed various broken localized strings
- If the connection to an online host is lost, the game will send you back to the main menu, instead of creating a ghost server
- Added a real time low-pass filter in-game
- Lowpass effect on background music during score screen
- New soundtrack composed by Jacob Lincke
- Improved the sync for the song loops, they no longer get out of sync
- Improved Mission Unlocked sound effect
- Improved XP gain sound effect
- Improved Jump Tile sound effect
- Updated splash screen! *yells*
- Added the ability to easily offset a character's face with a simple .ini file
- Implemented better error reporting data for corrupted image files
- Added the first character with 4 legs, FURBALL! (Yes it's a cat)
- Unlinked the simulation from the frame rate (that was really stupid to begin with)
- Bigger particles when you teleport
- Removed auto-mode-picking when the timer hits 0 in mode voting for local games
- Multiple players can now pick the same character in the same game
- Made leveling up exponential up to level 6 followed by a fixed XP after that
- Fixed a bug where the password would always return invalid after joining a server
- Added a rarity system where you get a random item (based on its rarity) each time you level up
Things that nobody will ever notice
- The highlight goes to your character's "Ready" button in lobbies after you add an AI Bot.
- The highlight goes to your character's "Customize" button after joining an online lobby
- Improved the way the pupils move so they don't lag behind anymore (same for their masks)
- Improved game mode drafting system (less chances to get the same mode multiple times in a row now)
- Hopefully fixed the possibility of getting stuck inside the ground or wall in online games
- Prevent the clients from being forced back to menu if the host disconnects after the winner screen
- Fixed a problem that caused other players in online games to rotate for a few frames in random directions due to bad interpolation
- Buttons are now synced in online games, which means, no more out-of-sync toggle tiles
- Pivot doors visually open when they are unlocked instead of just becoming white
- Fixed a bug where the contents of the collection screen would mess up after the player changes the resolution
- Improved the way XP is confirmed and allocated after a match
- Fixed the blurred background during the instructions screen not fading out in time
- Improvements to “convention mode”
- Fixed bug that caused certain UI elements to disappear after changing video settings
- The game window is now centered to the screen when you change the resolution and display mode
- Fixed a bug where the tutorial “Health” arrow wasn’t being removed after exiting the tutorial
- Fixed a bug where you could use another player’s character by joining their server and then hosting one yourself
- No more stuttering (or freezes) when you open the Collection screen because of thumbnails
- Limit IP input box to 22 characters so it doesn’t cause messed up scrolling anymore (same for the server names displayed in the lobby)
- Changed the text color and contents in the crash screen if any mod is enabled. There are a lot of reported bugs caused by mods that we can’t fix :(
- Added a hidden pirate language somewhere in the game ;)
- Replaced the "Credits" icon to avoid confusion with the Xbox One info button
- Fixed bug when accepting an invite while being in a different lobby
- Limit cmd console logs to 1000 lines to prevent memory leaks
- Made sure usernames won’t wrap in the score screen
- Game mode threats that include randomness will favor the highest scoring player, therefore targeting him (like the bomb in Bomb Tag and the rocket in Rocket Run)
- Daily Challenge bots now use random characters instead of the generic colored ones
- The Daily challenge “Begin” button now blinks when the challenge is open
- Fixed a bug where two song loops would play on top of each other at the same time
- Fixed bug where you couldn’t scroll to the first item in a list using a controller
- Ability to “go back to menu” if you start the tutorial manually
- Delayed respawning of characters in the editor
- Fixed a crash when the game couldn’t find a mod thumbnail
- Only friends that own Move or Die show up in the “Invite Friends” list
- Improved the pupil mask position in healthbars so there is no offset anymore
- Friends that are in the same lobby with you won’t show up in the friends list to prevent annoying invites from being sent
- In the language selection screen, players can’t select a language for the first 2 seconds to prevent unintentional input
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to select an item outside of a list with the mouse
- Items in lists no longer highlight while a pop-up is on the screen
- Fixed a problem where P1 was re-added to the lobby after going back from the “game rules” screen
- Video splash screens instead of static image ones