Change Log
Big Additions
- Mutators
- New game modes: Spike Ball + Shifty Ground
- Seven new characters
- New levels
- Announcers
- New UI leading marker
- Ability to have multiple local players in online games
- Ability to join an on-going match
- Fixed a crash when a round ended in "Draw"
- Fixed a bug that prevented the players from showing up during the "Draw" animation
- Fixed a bug where the health wasn't draining during sudden death while the Move and Die mutator was on
- Added in a time limit for mutator selection
- Added a 1 second delay for the ghosts' deadly touch
- Prevented the death tiles from killing you in Shifty Ground when they start disappearing
- Disabled Jetpacks for ghosts
- Prevented the same player form being selected twice in a row for mutator selection
- Ghosts can now use jump tiles
- Decoupled character velocity from health regeneration, fixing the problem of insta-death in BlowBack while the Move and Die mutator was on
- Prevented the AI from running to their death while the Move and Die mutator is on (except in SpeedRun)
User Interface
- Fixed depth problem with the leading marker
- Added mutator icon in the instructions screen & "waiting for other players" screen
- Made the leading player colored bar flash in the leading marker
- Made the mutator icons randomize for a second when they first appear on screen
- Made "Mutators" to be considered as special abilities
- Added "Mutators" pop-up when you host a server with friends
- Added icons for the Game Length, Password and Mutators pop-ups when you host a server
- Added a new "Local" button for each empty slot in online lobbies allowing you to add extra local players
- Fixed a bug where the wrong color was flashing in the leading marker
- Added "loading" animations in the empty slots of online lobbies without a password while "looking for other players"
- Fixed possible crash when the mutators selection screen was destroyed
- Added a "Mutators" option in the "Host Server" screen
- Made the winner descend even slower in the score screen
- Prevent announcer lines from overlapping
- Added preview lines when cycling through announcers in the Audio Settings
- Applied a low pass filter on the winner track while the announcer is talking
- Fixed various problems related to announcer compatibility
- A zooming in/out sound effect was added in Sugar Rush and Spike Ball
- Fixed various crashes reported by players... it's a never-ending stream :(
- Removed zombie processes going on in the background after the game was closed
- Improved SpeedRun AI by removing the manual waypoint system
- Fixed a bug where jetpack particles were rendering behind the background assets
- Added mutators in the Level Editor
- Made two of the characters self-aware
- Masked the character's face in the health bars so it doesn't get out of bounds (like Stashy used to do)
- Prevented a soft-lock by making a player auto pick a mutator in case he quits during selection
- Fixed a crash related to input method when joining an on-going match
- Ignore invites to the current lobby to avoid weird crashes.
- Added networking prediction to Spike Ball and Shifty Ground to compensate latency
- Fixed a bug where the mutator selection screen was triggered 2 rounds in a row
- Ability to "Cancel" the online server pop-ups instead of being forced to "Confirm"
- Fixed various visual bugs caused by the Skin Swapper mutator
- Fixed the characters healthbar faces offset during Skin Swapping
- Added AI selected mutators in the Daily Challenge
- Improved the eye mask algorithm to be more forgiving and prevent crashes when the masks aren't perfect
- Added memory usage + graphics stats to crash reports in order to investigate "out of memory" crashes
- Fixed bug where mutators settings would get whipped after inviting friends to your lobby
- Fixed a bug where the daily challenge in-between-rounds screen couldn't be skipped
Small things that nobody will ever notice
- Fixed that funky upside down frame when a player died
- Fixed a Daily Challenge exploit
- Made the spike ball hitbox smaller
- The hat wearer flashes in Hat Chase
- Overhaul of the scoring and rank system to accommodate the new leading marker
- Characters will now remember their expressions in mode voting, instead of randomizing every time they move
- Added jumping dust animation on double jumps
- Fixed a bug where ghosts could infinitely jump while touching another player
- Fixed a bug where double jumping wasn't possible on multiple controllers
- Prevented the mode name from showing up at the top of the screen in the instructional phase