Change Log
Big additions
- New Game Modes: Loot Grab & Mind Control
- New Mutator: Stabilizer, Decoys, Underwater, VVVVVV, NSFW & Bomb Drop
- Abandon Penalties
- Item Unlocks instead of Master Achievements
- New Announcer: LilyPichu
- Improved XP verification
- In-Game Chat
User Interface
- Optimized mode voting screen so only the videos that are on screen play, making the transition much smoother
- Stats screen animate scroll to the game mode you mastered after item unlock.
- Added option for "Convention Mode" in the general options screen
- Moved Mutator and time indicators at the top of online lobbies
- Allowed the in-game chat to dynamically alter UI elements like the mode voting playlist and the score screen upcoming-game roulette
- Slightly shifted UI elements around in online matches to accomodate the in-game chat
- Cached level locally so it gets displayed correctly when the server cannot be reached
- User avatar and level are replaced with "Server cannot be reached" text when the game can't reach our servers or Steam (instead of disappearing completely)
- Greyed out menu buttons that heavily used Steam integration when Steam is not opened
- Increased the max speed of Vertigo by 50%
- The charge time in God Gun gets shorter over time
- Changed Ghost Ability unlock level from 6 to 10
- Restructured mutators in tiers of 4 instead of individual unlocks
- Removed "Lights Off" from Daily Challenge rotation
- Disabled sudden death in Boss Fight
- Reduced mastery of a game mode from 500 rounds to 300. Item unlocks on mastery instead of achievement.
- Removed a bug where the announcer would say "Level Up" when you unlocked an item through other means
- Proper use of lowpass filter during Underwater mutator
- Added a minimal delay for very fast looping sounds to prevent audio artifacts
- Refactored the controller code, fixing multiple non-working controllers and bringing rumble back to Windows 10
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to use VVVVVV during countdowns
- Started developing a new game mode and decided it's not good enough
- Fixed an optimization problem where decoys were rendering off-screen
- Blessed AI with the ability to use the in-game chat
- Fixed a bug where "Replaced with AI" slots were not passing properly back to the lobby
- Fixed a crash caused by a mid-game join
- Added special support for thumbstick movement for the Underwater mutator
- Fixed a crash when Steam was not initialized
- Added Jon "Carnage" as a hidden character to surprize him on the Twitch stage and left it there for sh#&z and giggles
Things that nobody will ever notice
- Lowered the screenshake in Twitch QWERTY Bombs
- Fixed the visual glitch that occurred when both left and right movement arrows were held
- In Editor, mutators render on separate columns if they go out-of-screen
- In Editor, mutators have a better color scheme
- Fixed a visual glitch with players rotating too much with the Underwater mutator
- Increased several characters' self esteem
- Prevented edge case scenarios in Boss Fight, God Gun and Heavy Bullets for the Underwater mutator
- Fixed a visual bug where some mutator icons were slightly bigger than others (like, 5% bigger, seriously why do I even care about this?)
- Fixed a bug where lobbies wouldn't remember their mutator status
- Fixed a - stupid - bug where the game would become unplayable after a player left during a round of Mind Control because the characters controls wouldn't go back
- Fixed a bug related to player spawning both in-game and editor
- Fixed "The cursed Joshua highlight rectangle" in conventionmode lobbies
- The correct randomized controller is used during conventionmode mode voting
- You now have to cycle left to go from mutators "Yes" to "No" instead of right